A tentative lesson plan is posted day-by-day. These plans may change due to the interest of the participants. As stated elsewhere there are way too many topics to even discuss briefly, never mind go into any depth. The pages of the text listed will be used for discussion ass listed.
WEEK ONE: Neoliberalism, Capitalism, Conservatism Socialism, and other models
Book: Pages 1-36
Introduce each other
Go over Website
What do we know about neoliberalism and common good
Powerpoint slides
Suggested videos:
Saving Capitalism:
Please watch for next week :
Late Break
1. How do you define "the common good" in America? What do
Americans have in common other than national symbols like the flag
and the national anthem? What do these symbols mean to you?.
How is this different from other countries such as Denmark?
2. Do Americans have obligations to the nation in addition to
How is this different from other countries such as Denmark?
2. Do Americans have obligations to the nation in addition to
Paying taxes, serving on juries, and voting? If so what are they?
3. Some say Americans are selfish and self-centered. Others point
to acts of kindness and courage -- first responders to emergencies, everyday
acts of altruism. How would you describe our national character?
WEEK TWO: Effects of Neoliberalism
Book: Pages 37-64
Neoliberalism explained briefly
Trust and the common good
Robert Reich: Have We Lost the Common Good?
Other slides and discussions
Powerpoint slide:
Suggested video:
Full Show 11/11/15: How Reaganomics Killed America’s Middle Class
Other slides and discussions
Powerpoint slide:
1. Has America's character changed -- since your parents were children,
for example? If so, how and why?
2. Do you trust the government to do the right thing most of the time?
Do you believe in our system of government -- the Constitution the Bill
of Rights, federalism, and the rule of law?
3. What is the difference between the common good and nationalism?
4. What role does the president play in setting the moral tone of the nation?
Suggested video:
Full Show 11/11/15: How Reaganomics Killed America’s Middle Class
WEEK THREE: How we get here
Book: Pages 65-110
Robert Reich: Have We Lost the Commo?
WEEK FOUR: Countering Neoliberalism/Solutions
Book: Pages 111-155
Need to select personal topics
You might want to watch: Who Controls the money controls the world
WEEK FIVE: Solutions, and Setting and ordering goals
Book: Pages 156-184
List goals - e.g., Pass a Constitutional amendment to elect by popular vote - do away with Electoral College
WEEK SIX: Presentation of participant's special interests
Prepare presentation
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